Unattended Pickups
No one has to be home for us to pickup your tree. You simply set it outside your door or by the curb and we'll swing by to pick it up during our business hours on your pickup day! (PLEASE NOTE: Your tree will be picked up during normal business hours at or after the time you select on your pickup day.)

Pickup on Your Schedule
Pick the day that works best for you! Select your day early so you're guaranteed to have one less hassle after the holidays!

No more lugging the tree to your car, scratching the paint or spending days vacuuming tree needles. Simply schedule your appointment online, set your tree outside, and we'll do the rest!

Recycle Responsibly
Do your part for the environment. Christmas trees come from nature, and they should return to nature, NOT to a cold landfill. You'll also eliminate the eyesores of dead trees on the side of the road from irresponsible neighbors by using our service!